Flash Player 11 及AIR 3 的新功能
- Stage3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering Stage3D的圖形顯卡加速功能— Stage3D("Molehill") is a new architecture for hardware accelerated graphicsrendering developed by Adobe. Stage3D provides a set of lowlevel APIsthat enable advanced 2D/3D rendering capabilities across screens anddevices (desktop, mobile , and TV). It gives 2D and 3D app and frameworkdevelopers access to high performance GPU hardware acceleration,enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences.Note: These pre-release builds include Flash Player and AIR desktopsupport; AIR for Android and iOS support will be enabled in a futurepre-release build.
- Flash Access Content Protection Support for Mobile移動版本的內容訪問保護功能— Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices.
- H.264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras (desktop)攝像頭H264/AVC的流處理編碼—Stream high quailty video from your computer's camera with highercompression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling bothimmersive real-time communications (eg, video chat and videoconferencing) and live video broadcasts.
- Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Support JSON數據格式的原生支持—Allows ActionScript developers to take advantage of high performancenative parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data. Developers canintegrate existing data seamlessly into their projects.
- G.711 Audio Compression for Telephony G.711的音頻壓縮編碼— Supportinteroperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway(FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol)without the need for transcoding.
- Garbage Collection Advice垃圾回收— Provides smoother, moreresponsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints(through System.pauseForGCIfCollectionImminent) to optimize garbagecollection scheduling.
- Cubic Bezier Curves貝塞爾曲線— The Graphics.cubicCurveTodrawing API allows developers can easily create complex cubic Bezierswithout requiring custom ActionScript code.
- Secure Random Number Generator安全的隨機數生成— Developers can nowtake advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation tobuild more secure algorithms and protocols.
- Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) and Flash Access Enhancements HTTp動態流和增強的Flash訪問— Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection forstreaming video across screens while eliminating the deploymentcomplexity of a license server. New Flash Access contentprotection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining,domain support, and enhanced output protection and device filtering.
- Socket Progress Events Socket傳輸事件— Improve management of datatransfer using the Socket class by providing a new property todetermine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a newevent for when data is being sent to the network layer. The new APIs(Socket. bytesPending, Event.OutputProgressEvent) allow applicationscan easily track progress and provide responsive feedback.
- Native Text Input UI (mobile)移動版本的輸入框UI— Mobile apps can nowtake advantage of the native text input controls on mobile platforms,including platform-specific user interaction behaviors suchas magnification and text selection. Native text controls are availableon Android, BlackBerry Tablet, and iOS operating systems.
- JPEG-XR support JPEG-XR圖像壓縮支持— Flash Player and AIR now includesupport for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard(International Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationallylightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression thanJPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and addssupport for alpha channel transparency.
- Enhanced high resolution bitmap support bitmap更高像素的處理—BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is nolonger limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps thatutilize very large bitmaps.
- High efficiency SWF compression support SWF的高壓縮比打包—Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWFfiles. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40%, enabling usersto benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times andreduced bandwidth consumption. Use Tinic's tool or a custom one to compress your SWF's.
- DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying — DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API allowingdevelopers to quickly remove all of a container's children using asingle API.
針對Flash Player 11的新功能
- Native 64-bit Support (Flash Player desktop)原生64位支持— Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
- Asynchronous Bitmap Decoding (new for Flash Player)異步Bitmap解碼— Improve app responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decodingimages on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached asneeded.
- TLS Secure Sockets Support (new for Flash Player)安全的Socket通信支持— Enables secure communications for client/server applications.
針對AIR 3的新特性
- Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (new for AIR)視頻硬件加速— Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliverefficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playbackexperiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reducedmemory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile*, desktop, and TV devices(*supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS).