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遊戲內容與物理盒子遊戲相近, 不同在於處理以下事件(Event) 的內容:
- 當MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN 時, 若用戶按在_pigImg 上, 把_dragFlag 設定true
private function downHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ var mp:Vec2 = new Vec2(event.stageX, event.stageY); var bodies:BodyList = _space.bodiesUnderPoint(mp); // <----- start the launching action if(bodies.length > 0){ var b:Body = bodies.shift(); if(b==_pigImg) _dragFlag = true; } }
- 當MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP 時, 若_pigImg 存在和_dragFlag 是true:
- 建立_pig 於Nape 物理世界中
- 以用戶手指與憤怒豬(_pigImg) 原來位置的距離乘以十倍, 設定_pig 拋出的速度 (velocity)
- 移除_pigImg 這個圖案 (它是沒有物理效果)
- 重設_historyData 路徑記錄
private function upHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ if(_pigImg!=null && _dragFlag){ var mp:Vec2 = new Vec2(_ns.mouseX, _ns.mouseY); var b:Vec2 = mp.subeq(_pigPosition); // <----- add a pig to physical world _pig = addPig(_ns.mouseX, _ns.mouseY); _pig.velocity = new Vec2(-b.x*10, -b.y*10); // <----- remove the launching pig this.removeChild(_pigImg.graphic); _pigImg.shapes.clear(); // <----- reset paths of history _historyData = new Vector.<HistoryData>; } // <----- stop the launching action _dragFlag = false; }
- 當Event.ENTER_FRAME 時, 我們進行以下測試和行為:
- 若_historyData 路徑記錄存在:
- 把路徑以QuadBatch 方式批次渲染於螢幕上
- 然後把最後的路徑記下 (最多記錄30 個)
- 若_dragFlag 是true, 把_pigImg 圖案移至用戶手指的位置上
- 若_pig 存在, 測試它是否正在移動, 若接近停頓狀態, 重設_pigImg
- 最後, 假如星星_star 移動速度大於一個數值, 遊戲便可完成private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void{ // <----- run nape physical engine _space.step(1/60); if(_historyContainer!=null){ // <----- reset history container _historyContainer.reset(); // <----- draw paths to history container for(var i:int=_historyData.length-1; i>=0; i--){ _historyImage.x = _historyData[i].x; _historyImage.y = _historyData[i].y; _historyImage.alpha = 1-i/_historyData.length; _historyContainer.addImage(_historyImage); } // <----- save the latest path if(_historyData.length<30 && _pig!=null){ var historyData:HistoryData = new HistoryData(); historyData.x = _pig.position.x historyData.y = _pig.position.y; _historyData.push(historyData); } } // <----- draw the launching position if(_dragFlag){ var mp:Vec2 = new Vec2(_ns.mouseX, _ns.mouseY); _pigImg.position.set(mp); } // <----- kill the pig, if it stops if(_pig!=null && _star!=null){ var v:Number = Math.abs(_pig.velocity.x)+Math.abs(_pig.velocity.y); if(v<50 || _pig.velocity.angle==0){ this.removeChild(_pig.graphic); _pig.shapes.clear(); _pig = null; _pigImg = addPigImage(_pigPosition.x, _pigPosition.y); } } // <----- game over, if the star is hitted if(_star!=null){ var v2:Number =Math.abs(_star.velocity.x)+Math.abs(_star.velocity.y); if(v2>100 && _pig!=null){ _star = null; this.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } } }
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